In view or the leaves turning colors and the advent of Fall, this month’s Bread CSA features some of our hearty seasonal breads – the Raisin-Coriander and Cranberry-Walnut loaves – and two new additions: a Miso and Sesame loaf inspired by a recipe from Vanessa Kimbell’s lovely book, The Sourdough School, and a Durum loaf with sprouted Farro. The remainder of the month's offerings are made up of tried and true Ferment Bakery staples. As in September, we’ll be delivering bread on Monday and Thursdays between 5 and 7pm. The baking schedule is as follows:
M Oct 26 Whole Wheat Boule
R Oct 29 Miso and Sesame
M Nov 2 Durum with Sprouted Farro
R Nov 5 Raisin-Coriander
M Nov 9 Double Fermented Cracked Rye
R Nov 12 Somerville Sourdough
M Nov 16 Cranberry Walnut
R Nov 19 Bâtard 707
The pricing and subscription options remain the same and are as posted on the website (<www.fermentbakery.com>).