This month’s baking schedule brings back loaves with sprouted grains –Ferment’s Steamed Sprouted Rye and the Rye Pumpernickel – that provide an unparalleled depth and complexity of flavor. The other loaves feature European recipes – the Swiss Ruchbrot and French Pain de Campagne – and a pair of popular seeded loaves the month wraps up with the customary Batärd 707 and our take on Tartine’s Spelt-Wheat loaf. Enjoy!
M Apr 08 Ruchbrot
F Mar 12 Pain de Campagne
M Mar 15 Seeded Wheat
F Mar 19 Chia Seed
M Mar 22 Steamed Sprouted Rye
F Mar 26 Ferment’s Rye Pumpernickel
M Apr 29 Bâtard 707
F May 03 Spelt-Wheat